Worksheet 10: Travel and transport 2

Preparation for SKYPE session planning a role-play.

You are travelling from an airport.

Read the text below and prepare answers to the questions. Notice the different tenses.
Checking in
Can I see your passport please?
 How many bags do you have to check in?
Did you pack these bags yourself?
Have you left these bags unattended?
Have you been with your bags the whole time?
Has anyone given you anything to take on the flight?

Do you have any hand luggage?
Are you carrying any restricted items?
Your gate number is ... and your flight boards at ....

Read the instructions – prepare to answer more questions!
Going through security
You need to put your hand luggage through the x-ray machine. Some items cannot be taken on board as hand luggage (such as knives, aerosol cans etc.) As you pass through security, you may set off the alarm. When this happens, the airport personnel search you.
In the departure lounge
When you pass through security, and before you board your flight, you can wait in the departure lounge. At international airports there is duty free shopping, where you can buy goods without paying taxes.

Airport announcements
Please proceed to gate number... (proceed = go to)
In a few moments we will be calling all passengers with priority boarding.
Please have your boarding card ready for inspection

Prepare some questions for me, please! 


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